Monday, May 11, 2009

Do you like Atheists?

Do you like them, and would you be shocked if someone told you they were an atheist?

Do you like Atheists?
i am, really swear to g#d!!!! no just kidding

they have their set ways, dont agree with it, but they will find out in the end.

most are trouble makers, getting signs removed, books thrown out in schools, but like i have always said, dont like something dont read it , dont watch the the program, but shouldnt punish others cause of stupidity of a few, i wished i lived beside of one, would put the commandments on big signs thru out the yard and blast the music their way
Reply:i like atheists, they're basically like normal people, i seriously don't care, they cool with me

i'm atheist, like i don't believe in religion or evolution, i will make my own theory, idc if it's a full theory they count in the world, but people will believe me soon enough
Reply:It depends on how religious someone is. Honestly, i don't really care if they believe in god or not. You should only judge by personality and attitude. People should only care about their own opinion not about others.

As long as they don't make fun of someone's religion then there is no reason to hate an Atheist.
Reply:I don't really care what you are as long as you don't make fun of my religious beliefs. Okay, joking, yeah. But not if you're gonna be an *** about it.

And why would anyone be surprised to hear that someone is an atheist?

Edit- BTW: I like how this stayed civil, unlike anything that has ever happened in the R%26amp;S section.
Reply:I don't think its a big deal what a person's beliefs are, unless it's something strange... like thinking murder is cool or something lol.

But yeah, most of my friends are Atheistic while I believe in God. They don't try to talk me out of my beliefs and I don't try to push mine on them. That's how it was meant to be if you ask me. Actions speak louder than words.
Reply:I try not to judge people because of their beliefs. I think that people should tolerate others no matter what there religous preference is. As for being shocked or not, it depends on how well i know the person. I wouldn't be shoked in a bad way, i would just be suprised.
Reply:It depends if there version to feel and act like God then maybe not my kinda person. If they simple believe in themselves in a good way - then I probably would.

Would I be suprised, no more suprised then when I find out people are Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, Hindu, Budist, etc.
Reply:Being an atheist is the last thing I would care long as the person has a good heart, it's all that matters to me.

The same goes for those who believe in religions, so long as they are good people and don't try to ram their beliefs down my throat, it's all good.

Cheers! :)
Reply:I'm a christian %26amp; i believe in god %26amp; everything but thats just how i was raised

If someones an atheist u cant hate them because thats proly how they were raised

everybody has a right to their own religious belifes weather they chose to believe in religions or not is there own religion

I dont condone atheism but i dont hate it
Reply:I accept people as people just like everyone else. I don't discriminate. No, I would not be shocked. If that's what they think, then who am I to try and stop them?

If hate is all you're giving then hate is what you're recieving.
Reply:if anything i feel sorry for them. to live your life and not know Gods love, thats sad. just because our religious beliefs are different doesnt mean i cant be their friend. nor do i 'preach' to them. its their choice, and one that i pray one day they will change.
Reply:Who cares about religion? I am quite a good person,help everyone who needs me,feed stray cats and dogs and I have no religion.That doesn`t make me a worse person.On the contrary,some people go to church because they have to "clean"their souls because they are bad .
Reply:I've got nothing against them, they can believe what they want lol and no I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that they were and Atheist, one of my best friends is an Atheist and I could care less if he was one or not lol I still love the guy haha
Reply:ummm.....i dont dislike people because of religion. Unless it automatically disfavors people because of race.

Not shocked about anything.
Reply:I like myself just fine, thank you kindly.

I'd be shocked if, say, my mother declared herself to be an atheist after all these years of Catholicism.
Reply:Get ready to be shocked.....I'm an Atheist.

I'm guessing most people don't have a clue that someone they know, like and respect is an Atheist.

We don't wear a sign and we don't have horns.
Reply:i don't judge others on their religion or lack of a religion.

it depends on the individual's overall personality, not who they choose or choose not to worship.
Reply:Of course I like them. Everyone's path is their own. As soon as you judge another person's religious preferences, you have fallen off your own personal path.
Reply:i don't mind 'cuz that it their choice. i would like them to have a religion though, but if they don't then oh well, i'd still like them. if i'd be shocked or not depends on the person....
Reply:I like them alright, just because I have certain beliefs I don't expect everyone to believe what I do, and I certainly don't push them on to others. I say let everyone believe whatever makes them feel best.
Reply:My philosophy on the topic is: I couldn't care less. I live my own beliefs and that's the way it is. Don't preach to me, I don't preach to you.
Reply:um, we are just people...why hate someone because they believe something you don''s religious or non-religious...doesn't long as people don't preach...i could really care less...i'm a agnostic atheist....
Reply:I love Atheists. Why would I hate them?

I would not be shocked if someone told me they were and Atheist any more than being shocked if they were to say they were GAY. Makes no difference.
Reply:I'm not an atheist but I respect every one's beliefs
Reply:My classmate is an atheist. I had no idea what atheists were until my friend told me.

Shes no different though, I still talk to her.

People are different, and I accept that.
Reply:Aetheists are people too and just because they have a different belief doesn't make them or you a bad person for being their friend.
Reply:I would have no reason not to like them. I have some very close friends (more than one couple) who are atheists. I respect their right to believe or not believe whatever they want.
Reply:I don't care what religion someone is, that's their business. It would not shock me at all if someone told me they were atheist.
Reply:Yes I do, there is nothing wrong with people having different ideas than you. Acceptance and tolerance is the key.
Reply:I don't care what they are as long as they as they don't push it off on me
Reply:i killed one b4;...

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