Thursday, May 20, 2010

Please answer this fun survey. I like to call it "IF THEY HAD A BABY " would you say wow they have a .......

messed up life!! ( but great talent)

Pee wee herman and Michael Jackson - baby

Prince and Amywinehouse - baby

Elmo and dora the explorer - baby

Steve O (from Jacka$$) and Lindsey Lohan

Briney Spears and Christina Aguliara - baby

Please answer this fun survey. I like to call it "IF THEY HAD A BABY " would you say wow they have a .......
Prince and Amy Winehouse?? They'd spend a fortune on eyeliner before the kid even goes to college. The others are not even worth mentioning.
Reply:Pee wee herman and Michael Jackson- "I would like to see that baby"

Prince and Amywinehouse-"so what"

Elmo and dora the explorer-"I always knew that dora was a whore"

Steve O and Lindsey Lohan- "well at least now we know that she really is a woman"

Brittney Spears and Christina Aguilara-"Who hasn't Brittany had a baby with"
Reply:This is exactly why I think people should be required to pass a test making sure they are intelligent enough and able enough to have children. Some people just should not be allowed to reproduce!

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